Faster, Faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of

A new concept that was born and raised in Italy that went viral all around the world in few years.

km +

The Jabel Ali track is the first racing track in the UAE, established in 1976. So many races and events were held back in the days. The EMSO "Emirates Motor Sport Organization" had a vision to keep up with the evolution of motor sports and needed to adapt the track, hence the birth of Mini Gp. The EMSO transformed the old karting circuit to be the first Mini Gp circuit in the Middle East. EMSO vision is to invest in new talent and existing rider to train and race in a safe environment.

The first Mini Gp circuit in the Middle East.

Our Bikes

It is a type of motorbike that come in smaller size, slower speed and lower cost as regular bikes. It is a new concept that was born and raised in Italy and spread in the last few years to UK and United State of America. These small bikes got so popular that organizers started to do official championship for those kind of bikes.
More bikes

Upcoming Races

The list of upcoming races open for registration

Next available dates

Our Location

Jabal Ali Mini GP Circuit is located in Jabal Ali, A 25 minutes' drive from the heart of Dubai and a one hour drive from Abu Dhabi.

  • Mini GP Racing Motorbikes
  • support@jaminigp.com
  • +971558444111
  • minigp.ae
Contact us

If there's something we can help you with, jut let us know. We'll be more than happy to offer you our help